Term 1 Week 3
Ginnagay ngujawiny,
A warm welcome to our family's and friends of St Mary's as we commence the 2023 school year. We have started the year strong with 56 enrolments, the most students we have had in a very long time! We are very grateful for our families who continue to spread the good news of our school in our Community to ensure we are attracting and retaining enrolments.
As we start the year, please remind your children of our school rules - being a Happy, Safe and Respectful Learner. This is particularly important as we expect all children to be able to come to St Mary's and learn in a safe environment.
Staffing for 2023
We are very excited to have a highly qualified and experienced expert teaching team at St Mary's this year. As a means of introduction, please see the following staff and their room allocation for 2023.
K/1 - Yugirr | Simone Hayward & Kathryn Sheridan |
2/3 - Mulunybiin | Taylor Jarrett |
Learning Club - Nunguubiin | Tanya Scott |
4 - Gugaamganbiin | Rachael McGregor-Allen |
5/6 - Wirriigabiin | Alice Magner |
Indigenous Education Workers | Aunty Clarice Greenup |
Aunty Brenda Buchanan | |
Uncle Mark Smith | |
Indigenous Mentor | Cameron Blair |
Classroom and Learning Support | Bonnie Collison |
Bonni Sambrook | |
Taylah Martin | |
Bus Driver and Groundsman | Dean Buchanan |
Instructional Leader | Anna Bowd |
School Counsellor | Melissa Kemp |
IT | Vincent Fox |
Cleaner | Janice Stuart |
Sports Coordinator Mon,Tues,Wed | Troy Pascoe |
School Based Speech Pathologist | Renee Phillips |
Acting Assistant Principal | Amy Chapman |
Student Support Worker | Samantha Kennedy |
School Administration | Georgina Smart |
Leia Duncan | |
Acting Principal | Nadine Slingsby |
Naplan 2023
This year, NAPLAN will be held earlier in the school year. The NAPLAN window will be Wednesday the 15th of March, to Monday the 26th of March. A note will be sent home shortly for Year 3 and Year 5 parents with more information about this assessment. If you have any concerns or wonderings about your child participating in this assessment, please let Nadine know.
School Fees
Just a reminder that all families are expected to pay school fees. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please get in contact to arrange a chat about payment plans. I appreciate your assistance with this moving into 2023.
Looking forward to another wonderful year with our St Mary's family.

On Friday 4th Februrary four of our students attended the St Patrick's swimming carnival at Macksville pool. Students participated in Freestyle, Breaststroke and backstroke. The weather was lovely and all students enjoyed their day competing and cathching up with their St Patrick's friends. All students obtained a time under 60 seconds for one or more of their races.
If you know in advance that your child will not be attending school an ATTENDANCE NOTE can be added via the Compass app. When this note is added to Compass staff are able to view the note and are kept up to date. The note can be added for a whole day (8.45am - 3.05pm) this is mostly used for illness or can be added for part of a day such as a Dentist appointment e.g 8.45am - 9.30am.
Please see attached the step by step instructions on how to complete an attendance note.
Children are required to wear school uniform to school each day unless advised not to. St Mary's has a "no hat no play" policy which means if a child attends school with out a hat they will be asked to play in the shade during play breaks.
If you require any additional school uniform for your child please contact the office to arrange this.
School Shirts $15
Jumpers $15
Hats $10
If you are unable to attend school a phone order can be placed and the school uniform can be given to your child to bring home in their school bag. A bank deposit can be made for payment. The details are as follows:
Account Name: St Mary's Primary School
BSB: 533-000
Account Number: 10618654
Account type: S1.1 (only for transfers from a BCU account)
Reference: Please use your childs name as a reference
If you are dropping your child off late to school or picking your child up early please attend the office to let Administration staff know so our attendance records can be altered. It is important our attendance records are correct in the event of an emergency or evacuation. We must know who is present with in the school at all times. Any Visitors who are staying with in the school must sign on in the office. This can be done via the ipad at the front desk or QR code with in the office.