Term 1 Week 9
Ginnagay ngujawiny families,
Welcome to our last newsletter for Term 1. What an amazing term we have had! It has been amazing to see all of our students settle into the new school year with happiness and hard work. I am so proud of each and every one of them and the learning achievements they have shown this term so far.
St Mary's 2023 School Goals
Each year, the staff at St Mary's set School Improvement goals. This is an important part of school Improvement. For 2023, our school improvement focus will be on the following:
For our students and staff to have a stronger sense of Spirituality reflected in the way we learn, teach and gather together.
Learning and Teaching:
To strengthen our Curriculum and planning processes so that all students are accessing a quality learning experience to achieve the fullness of life.
Pastoral Care:
To develop a whole school approach to Pastoral care through implementation of a consistent approach to behavior and wellbeing to ensure all students are cared for and supported.
Beneath these goals sit priority areas and timelines regarding the work that needs to happen.
I congratulate our amazing St Mary's Educators for the professionalism and energy they bring to our school community each and every day to meet these goals.
Tell Them From Me Survey
In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Mary's. More information will be coming to parents, in Week 1 of Term 2.
Easter Gatherings
Next week we will be celebrating Holy week with short gatherings each morning. This will be used as a teaching point, to share with children the important days of Easter.
Our Easter Hat Parade will be Thursday, the 6th of April. This year we are asking families to please make your child's Easter Hat at home and bring this to school on Thursday. We will be parading through the Bowraville town centre at 9.45am.
We have already raised almost $500 from our Easter raffle tickets, a very big thank you to all of our families! In particular, Shyliqua Champan, who has raised over $200 on her own! Please join us for the raffle at 2pm on Thursday afternoon.
Anzac Day
As in previous years, all St Mary's students are invited to join the Anzac Day procession in Bowraville on Tuesday the 25th of April. The procession will commence at 10am, so we would like all students to be at the Ex-Services Club at 9.30am ready to walk in full school uniform.
Students first day back in Term 2, will be Wednesday, the 26th of April.
Miss Taylor Jarrett, will be taking maternity leave in Week 4 of Term 2. We have exhaused all options of trying to work out how we can get Miss Taylor to stay with us as we know what an incredible teacher she is! We know Miss Taylor will enjoy some beautiful time with her new arrival, partner Luke and elderst daughter Baylee. Recuritment is underway for a replacement Year 2/3 teacher and all families will be informed when this is completed.
Wishing you all a restful and Holy Easter break with your families.
Please call the school if you require more information